to be alive!

i was drawn to love from the start as a kid but my parents forbade even romance movies. i think that made me like romance even more. anyway when depression gets super bad that one art of that rarepair you memorized the hiragana for so you could search it up 24/7 on Twitter can save LIVES. My favorite ships just get me through so much I love thinking about them while I sleep, wake up, eat etc etc.
childhood friends!
childhood friends' relationship gets disrupted (by circumstances), they drift apart and reunite later. Things don't have to automatically click in place. In fact, please don't.
Person A teases Person B just a bit, not even seeing understanding why Person B ends up getting so embarrassed. But they keep it up just a little longer because of how cute they are.
"I just wanted to tell you that you're cute though..." "I'm not cute!!"
Protecting the (innocence of the) one you love...
Would mutually do literally anything for each other, would kill for the other, would die for the other. Most likely childhood friends. Bonus points if a tragedy happens to them!
We came together to help each other with our crushes but ended up falling for each other instead!
Pre-relationship jealousy is always good <3
Romantic False Leads!! It's cliché, but I like the jealousy they bring. It also opens doors for a new ship, and pushes the main ship together.
Dated/were very close in the past, can't let go of old feelings.
Ill-matched relationship: One person wants to mend things back; the other person finds it unnecessary and thinks some things are better left the way they are.
mind-reading! it's sooooo so fun to see! especially if the person who can mind read was dealing with a tsundere, and they're like...woah? they actually like me??
Wow Person B would be so damn cute if they just kept their mouth shut.
Being friends with someone, unexpectedly seeing a cute expression, and suddenly realizing how cute they are. Comedy ensues.
The "I'm just using you" to "I'd die/kill for you" pipeline
unsociable, easily flustered + outgoing, sociable
PUPPY X CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gentle, quiet, popular (due to good looks) + sociable, kind, outgoing. Bonus points if Person B ends up getting jealous of Person A for a while, but they make up afterward.
Person A brought color and meaning into Person B's life, therefore Person B will give them everything. Bonus points if Person A doesn't remember/even know why Person B loves them this much.
Loud person so kind that it seems like they have bad intentions x person who initially hates this loud person but ends up realizing that They're Actually Just This Kind <3<3<3
Person A, who wants to protect Person B, ends up getting protected tenfold by Person B. LOL. It's perfect if Person B is actually stronger than Person A.
I admit I adore when someone likes someone so much that they're harsh toward them and immediately regret it afterward. and their crush thinks they hate them. This will change though.
Whatever squidbob has going on
outgoing, popular + gentle/shy/quiet person who only gets annoyed by them. Bonus points if one-sided on the popular person's part <333
Soulmates! I like destiny.
Person A is so nice and kind that it's practically unbearable for Person B to be near them. Person B may end up lashing out, but Person A is still as kind as ever. It's almost uncomfortable. But Person B eventually learns that it's OK to accept love and they kiss!!!! Yay!!!!!
Person B, a good old buddy old pal, has a crush on flirty, popular Person A. Jealousy is definitely an element in this relationship! Perhaps thoughts like "Why don't they flirt with me but literally with everyone else?"
Person A finds everything tsundere Person B does cute.
Person A is troubled by whatever Person B is doing to themselves, and desperately wants to "save" Person B.
Person B literally only gets flustered around/about Person A.
Expressionless (and shy) Person B ends up blushing around Person A. Bonus points if their ears get flushed, and when Person A takes notice of this, they blush 10x harder.
Person A loves Person B so much despite all of Person A's flaws, and it's almost overwhelming. But they're a match made in heaven...
princess-type character + character who complains about their antics but still cares for them
Person A teases & leads on Person B since they're so cute. Person A still gives them praise, and gifts, too!
Initially having a bad impression of someone > getting to know more about them > being the only one who's seen the other side of that person > falling in love! <3
2nd love interest type character who at first doesn't understand why everyone likes Person B but ends up falling madly in love once they get a proper opportunity to talk. Usually a one-sided love, but Person B still treasures them platonically!!
when. when the character is shown kindness for like the first time in their lives and becomes attached to the person who gave it to them and would do anything for them.
2 bubbly characters and 2 jealous characters who like them coming together to get them away from each other!
tall fem x short masc..GOD