Cutopia Catharsis

nothing is more precious than love!

welcome to my site that is basically just. a prettier version of the mess that is my google docs right now. this will forever be a work-in-progress, but I'll always come running back since I love CSS sooo much! and I also change layouts quite often, warning.

for more detail, this is my preferred form of social media — all my other accounts besides this are private, I am pretty much a ghost online!

I also have a horrible memory, so this is gonna be a really helpful and organized way of looking back on my interests! instead of google photos. or bookmarked twitter threads. may my love last forever!

well, whatever!

what version...? who knows. I'd guess it's the 4th. created december 12, 2021. thank you so much for viewing ^__^

status: chilling
rewatching: jojo!!
feeling: quite happy, actually!


  • 09/22/22 - restyled home page for more space!
  • 09/15/22 - restyled + some new pages



sites i ♥!